

1) Instructions for filling Registration and Abstract forms (word format)


General rules for the filling of registration and abstract forms are explained in details in the templates

Registration template for PASPID24:



Abstract template for PASPID24:




2) Instructions for Registration and Abstract word format filename 


The registration file should be uploaded in word format, and carefully named as follows:


NAME (in capital letters)

followed by dash (with the key 8)

followed by Surname (only first letter in capital)

followed by dash (with the key 8)

followed by Registration_PASPID24


The abstract file should be uploaded in word format, and carefully named as follows:


NAME (in capital letters)

followed by dash (with the key 8)

followed by Surname (only first letter in capital)

followed by dash (with the key 8)

followed by Abstract_PASPID24



Papers must be prepared and presented in English.


A second, or third surname can be add with the same instructions as Surname.



3) Instructions for submission


Please be aware of submission instructions in the help file below:


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